
Less A Lazy Sunday

After quiet a while absent from the blogging, 
after a hard long photo shoots and making music videos, and this is what i got..

The 99th annual Bay to Breakers - a seven-mile run/costume party/beloved booze fest  took over San Francisco this weekend. On Sunday, May 17th, 2010, thousands of brightly costumed "runners" trekked, stumbled, and hollered over the seven-mile stretch of the city, through Golden Gate Park to the Pacific Ocean. 

They compete for $25K in prize money, lead by the actual runners then behind approximately 70,000 people ambled by in themed groups, some packed onto hand-made floats, flooding the streets with color and comedy. and the costumes are The Jersey Shore, Willy Wonka, 80s aerobics, Baywatch, Pacman, cavemen, vikings and pirates, construction workers...and future Mrs. Beibers (see above).

Some Cowboys and Indians,

80's aerobics,

And hei some Wonka's Umpa Lumpas!

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